In the mean time
I was sure about a lot of things coming into 2019, expectations high, not a good sign. Much to the contrary though, its been quite a good one for me. At Sundance this year, I learned of a film program right here in my backyard, Bronx Documentary Center. I’ve been looking for a film program to get into. I got an interview! I held a level a certainty in mind, that I found off putting. A one page paper and this website were all I had by way of a portfolio. It was a surprise for me to discover my paintings were a large part of what got me in the door.
Delicious People episodes are the only film project I thought to provide at the time, and I didn’t embellish at all. Along the way I discovered I was much more comfortable if I went at my own pace and didn’t build unreasonable expectations that would ultimately lead to unwelcome disaster.
Back to the interview, I was again thrown off by own unwillingness to share some of my more passionate projects, instead I tried to sell the ideas I hadn’t spent the last week and half preparing to discuss. This project that has been brewing in my mind for quite some time now, a project I knew would speak directly to the BDC’s mission, and to our shared Bronx nativity, yet I held back..
In the two weeks I waited to hear back about the Fellowship, I was inspired, for the first time in four years, to edit some of the footage I’d collected in that time.
This short story project IN THE MEAN TIME kept me occupied as I tried avoid the black holes of “what if”. Instead I poured over the footage I’ve collected over the years. At work, on vacation, secretly filming in galleries, I love a good reflection.
The foundation to any lasting success, a dependable community. Artists build community naturally, often a method of survival, to the extremes of cohabitation at some ends. All forms of creator can be found huddled together in assuming places. Nature is funny that way
Competition on 7th
New Yorkers know all about it, this is just a friendly reminder, it can be a healthy endeavor. Let the inspiration of seeing others succeed push you forward, instead of holding you back.
The first in a series of short stories, that capture the times in between, journeys that span state lines and cross oceans. Moments between friends and amongst creators.
An Architect, An Engineer, A Doctor and A Custodian walk into an Estonian medieval market... All shades of chocolate are welcome and apparently quite delicious.
Crossing 125th
Running an art store in Harlem, we never missed openings. The Studio Museum is the backdrop of this little story. Not exactly authorized, but entirely necessary. Featuring @trevon_latinart my art travel buddy. And Nelson who prefers not to be seen